⚙ī¸Steam Gen

Steam Gen how to step up

  • Firstly you will need to have google chrome installed, and then for emails you will need to go to https://kopeechka.store/ add 5$ balance, and find the API key and enter it into the generator

  • Next you will need residential proxies I recommend https://iproyal.com/ they need to be in HOST:PORT:USER:PASS Format copy and paste them into the proxy text file

  • From here if you dont want to add phone numbers you can run it from here, unless you want to add numbers you will need to add balance to one of the websites, SMSHUB, 5SIM, or SMSPVA and copy the API key just like the email API key , then select which country you want the number for

  • When using kopeechka if you want to use different emails type in Email Preference

REAL - If you choose this option it will select from outlook, gmail, & mail.ru

YANDEX - If chosen it will pull domain of Yandex

OUTLOOK - Outlook domain/ Hotmail

MAILRU - mal.ru

RAMBLER - Rambler domain

GMX - Gmx domain emails are used

  • If you want to use your own emails copy and paste them into Email.txt file (need to be outlook or hotmail)

Last updated